SOP 3: Baermann Technique
The Baermann technique is suitable for the isolation and identification of larvae in fresh faeces (e.g. Strongyloides spp., lungworms)
- Distilled water (dH2O)
Equipment set up
Secure a glass or plastic funnel to a stand and connect a rubber tube with a clamp to the stem of the funnel.
- Place 3-5 g of faeces in the centre of a large cheese cloth and tie with a rubber band or string to form a pouch
- Place this within a tea strainer and suspend this in the funnel or within the mouth of a 50 ml centrifuge tube using toothpicks to keep the faecal pouch in place
- Add warmed dH2O to the funnel until the water covers the top of the faecal pouch
- Leave standing for 24 h
- If utilising a funnel, open the stopper on the rubber tubing and collect 2 ml of the filtered sediment into a test tube. If using a 50 ml centrifuge tube, go to step 7
- Leave the test-tube standing for 30 min, or alternatively centrifuge at 500-1000 g for 2 min
- Carefully remove the supernatant with a pipette, leaving ~0.5 ml of the sediment undisturbed
- Take 1-2 drops of the sediment and place on a microscope slide with a cover slip
- Examine under a light microscope at low power (10x) for larvae
For an alternative step-by-step guide with useful images of this procedure, refer to:
Safety Precautions
- Wear lab coat and disposable gloves
- Wash hands thoroughly when finished
Clean up procedures
- Dispose of all slides and cover slips in a sharps container
- Clean all equipment (tea strainer, glass test tubes) thoroughly with a 10% bleach solution
- Wipe down work area with 70% ethanol