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Tropical Council for Companion Animal Parasites

About TroCCAP

Tropical Council for Companion Animal Parasites Ltd. (A.B.N. 27 607 698 439) is a non-for-profit public company whose mission is to independently inform, guide and make best-practice recommendations to veterinarians and allied health professionals for the diagnosis, treatment and control of companion animal parasites in the tropics and sub-tropics, with the aim of protecting animal and human health.

The emphasis of the council is directed towards providing free educational resources for animal parasite online learning for veterinarians, in the form of companion animal parasite guidelines published through the website, webinars and locally organised veterinarian lectures and workshops aimed at training veterinary practitioners and allied healthcare professionals in the tropics on the impact and control of parasites in pets and parasitic zoonoses in people.

There are currently fifteen TroCCAP members selected on basis of their expertise and ability to represent a region in the tropics and sub-tropics.
Read more about the TroCCAP council below.

“I shall participate, I shall contribute, and in so doing, I will be the gainer.”
-Walter Annenberg

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To check out some interesting case studies, please visit and follow our facebook page

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See our work

Canine guidlines

Expert advice for vets on the guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and control of canine endoparasites in the tropics

Feline guidlines

Specialist advice for vets on the guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and control of feline endoparasites in the tropics

Expert articles

TroCCAP recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of parasitic infections in dogs and cats in the tropics

Upcoming events


Prof. Andrei D. Mihalca


Prof. Gad Baneth


Veterinarians operating in the tropics and sub-tropics, please feel free to contact our team for more veterinarian animal parasite resources, to find out when and where the next companion animal parasite lecture or workshop will take place, to ask about our webinars, or to request to join the TroCCAP Council.